How to Lose 300 Pounds without Surgery - Dan's Success Story

A man who was "heavier than a sumo wrestler" has lost an incredible 300 pounds and turned his life around. Dan Howie, from Derby, weighed more than 590 pounds when he decided he need a change - and has since shed half his body weight. The 31-year-old had to buy two seats on planes because of his size, and couldn't fit through the turnstiles whenever he went to watch his beloved Derby County. He was struggling to cope both physically and mentally. He said: "Eating the wrong stuff, no exercise, working behind a desk, it was a combination of things which caused the weight to creep up. I became lazy, started drinking heavily on nights out four times a week. I used to drink a bottle of rum before a night out because I felt I needed it to give me the confidence to go out being the size I was." But, Dan was inspired decided to change his habits of overrating and heavy drinking by the birth of his niece Olivia, now six, and nephew Riley, now five. He said: ...